Sunday, November 9, 2014

Light pollution. A lot of people look at me funny when I say that. For all of you my age 35-40 and older, do you remember going to a relative’s house out in the country for a holiday or family function. Do you all remember what a thrill it was to sit outside at night and look at the sky? If you were lucky enough you could see the center of this galaxy. Of course by see it I mean seeing the dust clouds shrouding it. All the same it was there. For some of us it will never happen. Our children will never see it with the naked eye. Only in pictures. The reason for that is light pollution. The same reason you can’t see more than a handful of stars when you look up at night while in the city. This is an excerpt from a NIH story “Indeed, when a 1994 earthquake knocked out the power in Los Angeles, many anxious residents called local emergency centers to report seeing a strange “giant, silvery cloud” in the dark sky. What they were really seeing—for the first time—was the Milky Way, long obliterated by the urban sky glow.” Not only is the pollution stealing the wonderment's of the skies it is also hurting us. Really. Medically. The circadian clock affects physiologic processes such as brain wave patterns, hormone production, cell regulation, and other biologic activities. Disruption of the circadian clock is linked to several medical disorders in humans, including depression, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. There is one simple thing you can do to help our fellow man. Just flick the switch.

Lesson 10 Blog

Using the Internet. When I don't have access to the Internet it feels like I am not wearing my watch, or my wedding ring. Guys know this feeling. Like something is wrong. I use the Internet for several different things.

  • Email
I communicate to a lot of people via the net. Sometimes it's just so I don't get stuck on the phone for two hours hearing about someones excuse for not carpe dieming. Is this really becoming a verb in our culture today?

  • Gaming
  • Music
  • Movies
  • Homework (okay so maybe that should be on the top).
  • Banking
That is pretty much how I use my Internet. I also you it for work, but that isn't really fun activity so I like to separate those.

The new me.

I took a look at a blog I had here before.
 The last time I posted to it was 2009. I looked at what I had to say and then had to ask myself 
 I must have been up at three o'clock in the morning or something.

Me and my beautiful bride.
So this is me. No not the period the picture up there. The image would be anywhere near beautiful if not for my gorgeous bride. This is me now. I am in a much better place then in 2009. Truth be told I was well on my way to killing myself back then. Now I can't think of a day without her.